
Showing posts from October, 2024

East Yorkshire - Pale-legged leaf warbler

29th September - 1st October Stunning landscapes and incredible birding. Over the years the East Yorkshire coastline has delivered high quality. This time it was the pale-legged leaf warbler that drew the crowds. Seen well but briefly on a number of occasions, it was time to get out and see what else was lurking. The first day was dominated by the far eastern phyllosc as Bempton Cliffs RSPB. With many visiting on the Saturday, there was still a decent crowd on Sunday, all behaving impeccably ensuring all got to see this extraordinary vagrant. The leaf warbler was also heard calling on a regular basis. At least one yellow-browed warbler was present there. Leaving the throng, a visit to Holmes Cut yielded two red-breasted flycatcher and only my second UK Icterine warbler that uncharacteristically paused for a few minutes within a sycamore adjacent to the ditch. The photo attempt was taken through a fence. Buoyed by the events of the weekend, I'd decided to stay in the area for a c