Local ramblings - Autumn '24

It's a small patch but one that I enjoy walking. While balancing expectations, the odd common migrant here and there always brightens up a working day. No cars, just walks or a cycle. Here are the 'highlights' of the autumn so far.

Whinchat have been regular across the fields this autumn with 12 birds recorded. The first was this 1sy year bird along the fenceline between Weston Hills and Bush Wood on the 29th August.

This bird was one of seven seen on the 6th September, five along the Wallington Road where this picture was taken, and two at Bygrave Farm. Two yellow wagtail were also present at the latter site. Also managed to pick up a female merlin on this date.

Northern wheatear pass through in decent numbers during spring but are less frequent in autumn. This was utilising the bales on the 18th August.

This 1st year male common redstart on the 5th September at Weston Hills NR was a chance find having at last the minute to have a quick walk up the slope on a dull, still but curiously warm evening.

Having not seen a spotted flycatcher all year, a morning visit to Weston Hills NR yielded very little. Having given up, a passerine caught my attention as I was walking back down the slope. My surprise was rewarded with this 1st winter bird that darted in and within a minute was gone. A late one too seen on the 29th September.

Raven have been seen regularly with up to four birds suggesting that breeding was likely within the area. This bird was sitting on one of the hay-bales that tend to be good for birds at this time of year.

Hobby are a real star of the site. A probable breeding site was identified in spring but no evidence of any young have been observed. Three sightings of hobby in the first five days of September was really encouraging.

Had to put this in as sadly this ring-necked parakeet was the first I'd seen here and my 100th species for the patch on the 16th September.
