Chicksands Wood

My first ever visit to Chicksands Wood, a mere 20 minutes from home opened up a whole new world of wildlife.  The place was brimming with butterflies.

On a long-awaited sunny morning, a long-awaited trip to this woodland set within sleepy South-Beds was eagerly anticipated.  It is home to a fine selection of common and scarce butterflies.

The main ride starts at the car park and seems to bi-sect the woodland.  Tributary rides then veer off to the left and right providing options for off-piste meanderings.

Roughly 500m from the start, my first Silver-washed Fritillary was spotted - one then two - then a few more during my walk.  Purposeful in flight and scintillate when settled.

The throng of butterflies was a joy to behold, Small White, Large White, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Comma, and Brown Argus were all on the wing and in encouraging numbers.

There was one I really wanted to see.  After a past few failed attempts, I managed to locate 2-3 White-letter Hairstreak resting on a clump of bramble.  I was made up - the highlight of my weekend.
