Staines Reservoir

A really productive day despite the Phalarope's short stay at the reservoir on Friday.  A particularly spirited arrival on site where the morning sun blazed across the open water.

An initial count of 17 Black Tern then turned into 21.  By late morning more had arrived increasing to 31.  By midday this had risen again to 36 birds, frequently seen clustered together in a group as they rose up from the water only to return back down to continue their elegant undulating flight across the water.

Black Tern

Seven Common Swift were wheeling over the south basin with reasonable numbers of House Martin.

A winter plumaged Black-necked Grebe drifted across the north basin.  There were five Common Sandpiper hugging the margins.

An adult winter Sandwich Tern flew low over the causeway and continued on north.  Ten minutes later, two Turnstone flew a circuit around the reservoir and again failed to settle.

A Hobby was seen flying slowly through toward the East, where Common Buzzard, Red Kite, Sparrowhawk, and Kestrel were also noted.
