Eldernell - Owls

Today it felt like I was window shopping for owls. First of the vegetative frontages was this extremely brazen short-eared owl, totally unfazed by the modest assemblage of birders lined on the bank of the Cambridgeshire washes at Eldernell. A fabulous site for a variety of species but particularly for wintering owls.

Continuing along a hundred metres or so where two long-eared owl were not so confiding, typically tucked away in the dense scrub, one of which was relatively showy compared to some of the LEO experiences most folk have of this species. The second bird was slightly higher up in the thicket that was much more concealed. There have been reports of seven individuals present at this site.

And then a hundred metres further along the track, and probably my favourite of all was this glorious tawny owl snugly tucked into a limb cavity. Incongruously, I've definitely seen more long-eared owl than tawny owl so this was a real treat.

Also on site apart from thousands of wildfowl spread across the obscenely flooded marsh was a flyover great egret, a chiffchaff in the scrub, and a squealing water rail from the adjacent ditch.


  1. Good afternoon, Jonathan. How are you? This is Terry, who you bump into on the Scillies the last fw Octobers. I hope all is well. We're going that same week this year, Oct. 5-12, with a new cottage for me and Alex, with one window overlooking Little Porth. I see you have had a couple of nice species to add to the list--Solitary sandpiper and Little crake, neither of which I was able to see. I went to India (my first time), to Rajasthan, and had a fantastic time, even with some wildlife thrown in, notably Leopard and Jungle cat. Cool birds, of course. Since returning, I did get to see the Northern waterthrush very well. Hope to see you at the quayside of Hugh Town with your pipe and spotting scope! terence2393@yahoo.com


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