Costa Rica - Cahuita

This was the relaxing part, time spent on the beach and a few walks within the National Park.  The entrance was located at the end of the town and barely 100m from the accommodation.

The beaches were lovely.

Cahuita National Park held plenty of interesting wildlife such as the Howler Monkey, White-face Monkey, Sloth, and Racoon.  Birdlife was disappointingly sparse, but there were a few interesting things knocking around.

Slaty Antshrike
Three-toad Sloth

Brown Basilisk
Hawk sp.

Common Opposum

White-faced Monkey


Postman Butterfly

Black-cheeked Woodpecker

Royal Tern

Little Blue Heron
Northern Jacana
Tropical Kingbird



Tennessee Warbler

Golden Hooded Tanager

Great-tailed Grackle
