Magical Flamborough Head

A truly exceptional day of what has been an exceptional autumn up and down the country. This time a trek up to Flamborough Head where over the previous days, an assemblage of eastern vagrants had gathered along the headland. Having to wait till Sunday, the early part of the morning was extremely wet, persistent heavy rain falling from leaden skies made for a rather forlorn hour or so. Gratefully, the weather was forecast to improve and by around 10.30am, the rain had relented somewhat, and it was time to go. The ground was sodden due to the extreme rainfall over previous days. The entire coastal path was reduced to a sludge. Embracing the conditions, I ploughed through the quagmire and headed for the bunting. Rain was still in the air, and the track down to the red-headed bunting had turned to a mud-bath. It was hilarious. The bird showed, quite well actually sitting along the fenceline in the company of the local reed bunting , yellowhammer and tree sparrow . A first-winter bird, apa...