The Isle of Wight - Day 4

There was a lot of activity today with marked passerine movement across the southern periphery of the Isle. Hirundine movement was particularly noticeable. Highlights were nine Wheatear that included an aerial migrating group of seven - something I hadn't really seen before. A minimum count of 15 Yellow Wagtail were typically flighty, the majority of which were juvenile birds. Four Grey Wagtail flew along the coastal, showing more signs of movement. A Peregrine shot past over the sea. I eventually made it to the area that had in previous days looked good for migrants to find the Redstart still present in the same area for its third day. It had been joined by a single Spotted Flycatcher that was actively hunting insects along the line of scattered trees. Five Common Whitethroat were also present there as were three Blackcap and a couple of Chiffchaff . A total of seven Willow Warbler (below) were seen on the walk. This juvenile Common Bu...