Peak District

A long weekend in the Peak District was planned with the aim of seeking out the 'wandering' Bearded Vulture that had been covering a large area of the high peak for a few weeks. Unsurprisingly it proved to be another slightly disappointing no show for a species that had evidently relocated further north within the National Park. There is continuing uncertainty as to the origins of the bird and its associated credentials but it appears likely that it may be accepted as Britain's first wild individual. The consolation was that the Peak District is an area of truly outstanding scenery. Decamping at the brilliant Yorkshire Inn Hotel a short walk from Ladybower Reservoir with eyes set to the sky, it provided an opportunity to explore the local escarpments for the bearded wonder. The reservoir itself is an impressive engineering feat providing fresh water across the East Midlands aided by dams, pumphouses and two large iconic plugholes featured heavily in portraits of the ar...