Frampton Marsh RSPB

One of the perks of the job is that survey work can take you to some lovely parts of southern England. It felt a bit special being sent to Norfolk for an evening and on the warmest day of the year so far. The evening held onto the humidity, and with clear skies, it was a privilege to have spent it in quiet solitude. A Barn Owl was hunting over the maize field and a Tawny Owl hooted close by. Muntjacs barked, and satellites cruised over while listening to plenty of bat activity. The following day was booked as annual leave and having observed the heavy traffic creeping south along the A149 the previous evening, there wasn't a chance of joining the throngs of people presumably headed to the pristine beaches of the north norfolk coast. Thinking better of it, I headed over to Frampton Marsh. With barely half a dozen people there, it was perfect. The heat however was still a factor with temperatures exceeding thirty degrees. I w...