Lockdown - More walking less talking

The sunny days continued for another full week. It has felt like deja vu all over again . I have no idea what day it is and frankly, it is of little importance right now. I haven't spoken to anyone in a long time - I mean apart from those 'how are you? I'm doing ok ' type conversations you have with kith and kin, and the odd passer-by. Yes - exchanging morning pleasantries with fellow lockdowners is a thing. The morning walks have been great though - I'll stop mentioning how lovely the countryside is round here. It's been slow going to be fair, with little variety but a fair bit of interest around the local area. Sightings of northern wheatear have been a daily occurrence in their usual spots with six being the mean daily counts split between the airfield and The Homestead paddocks. There have been some lovely males present. The farmland backdrop contains a bounty of Skylark , Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer dominat...