Broom East GPs

After a recce across to Broom East Gravel Pits the evening before, I discovered that a scope was essential here. I discovered this as I couldn't really see anything across the scrape apart from the huge gathering of boisterous Greylags and a smattering of wildfowl. It looks great, and previous records boast a tidy selection of scarce vagrants as well as a healthy list of migrant waders. The water levels are low at the moment exposing a fair amount of mud - perfect for wading birds. A first proper look at this south Bedfordshire site resulted in the continuing Pectoral Sandpiper, a great inland record and only my third for the UK. A really well marked juvenile that flew in after being absent for most of the afternoon. Other waders here included singles of Common Sandpiper , Green Sandpiper , and Common Snipe . Wildlife numbers were generally low, still early days but good variety led by an eclipse Garganey along with 32 Teal , two Wigeon , ...