
It's a well trodden path but it doesn't make it any less magical. Bialowieza. Probably renowned for its' primeval forest but the area in general holds plenty of interest. Just park the car and walk. Having employed the services of a guide on a previous trip, I decided to go it alone this time. The result was simple. Plenty of time staring at Woodpecker-less trees and definitely no Owls. That was ok though. It was to be expected. The forest spans just over 3000 square kilometeres. That's a lot of ground to cover and that's a lot of trees. I appreciate that the (mis)management of the reserve has its critics, there are problems for sure, but the habitat is nothing like what we see in the UK. Well not on this scale anyway. Let's hope it remains this way. The forest speeds away at an astonishing rate where a short walk can easily turn into a serious hike. The meandering trails hold the promise of an interesting...