Acres Down - New Forest

We continue to hold onto this glorious weather and oh my lordie it felt glorious today. Even managed an afternoon kip in the sunshine that felt so comfortably warm, as I awoke, I was surprised to find that I wasn't actually at home. What a day anyway. It was just supposed to be a long stroll through the forest but the birdlife was really incredible. There was plenty of activity in the woodland, a lot of birdsong including goldcrest and the incessant jangle of siskin always mobile overhead. There were plenty of highlights that started with a dartford warbler scratching away on top of a gorse bush. There were stonechat everywhere, a couple of pairs getting prepared for the breeding season. A single lesser redpoll called as it paused briefly within a silver birch. We took a route round both sides of the car park at Acres Down. It yielded much. At least three woodlark were warming up for Spring. Not quite in full song, but still enough ...