Thursley Common

Another trip to Thursley Common because it is such a great place to visit. The morning started off quite fresh but it didn't take too long for the temperature to rise. The main draw today was the male Red-backed Shrike having presumably drifted across from the continent on the run of easterlies that have been a feature over the past few days. It was always distant as the photo below testifies, but these birds are a joy to observe which after a sluggish start, became more active, flying low between vantage points, successfully predating an unfortunate beetle. There was a lot of activity today, at least six Common Redstart seen. This male was briefly in song. A couple of juvenile birds were noted along the Heathland Trail. The rich cascading melody of a Woodlark provided the perfect soundtrack to the heathland backdrop. I'd never seen so many Dartford Warbler . Around a dozen at least, a lot of vocalising, a f...