Antalya Trip - 2

The first of two visits to the Korketeli Hills and other sites featured in the Gosney Guide for SW Turkey. A little early for species such as White-throated Robin, it was still worth having a look on the outside chance of a keen individual arriving on territory early. What did become apparent was just how out-of-date the guide was. Absolutely no fault of the author, four years is a long time in the development of the road network, particularly the new dual carriageway and connecting routes. The D-635 that leads to the favoured White-throated Robin site is currently closed while road-widening construction takes place. However, a minor road just to the right of where the main carriageway ends winds up the hill to some promising habitat. Parking the car at a random spot, I walked into an area of scattered low pine. There was plenty of bird song and some real interest here. Eastern Black-eared Wheatear were notable, stunning birds as they sang from the treetops. A sin...