Reculver - Baird's Sandpiper

Today was a mega day! A day full of Waders. The Baird's Sandpiper at Coldharbour Lagoon gratefully remained into the weekend. A 25 minute walk from the Reculver Towers car park along the Viking Trail to a modest stretch of pools located between the path and the river wall. En route, a surprise Great Skua flew west close into the shoreline momentarily dropping onto the calm waters before lethargically heading off west. The Lagoons held a small selection of waders including six Ringed Plover , Redshank , Greenshank , Little Stint , two Dunlin , and of course our American friend. The bird showed brilliantly despite the disturbance of passing cyclists and vocal birders that included myself and Adam Hudson whom I was thrilled to meet. We both headed back seeing Yellow Wagtail , a single Northern Wheatear , and a Turnstone posing on the exposed rocks. After a late lunch and cake in Margate with Kat and her friend, we headed over to Oar...