
Showing posts from April, 2016

Croxley Common Moor

....and then a wander round Croxley Common Moor that looked great in the sunshine but was really very quiet despite good numbers of Common Whitethroat and Blackcap . A Reed Warbler sang from reeds along the river, three Sand Martin flew over, and both Orange-Tip and Holly Blue were seen by the lock. ļ»æ

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

More time spent in the homeland of my youth and this time Cassiobury Park, a lovely place well manicured and packed full of childhood memories. It was also the place I saw my first Lesser Spotted Woodpecker around 20 years ago, so it was great to return to see this scarce and localised head-banger.  Such a beaut and a really smart little bird.  It was really active, calling, drumming, all singing, all dancing. ļ»æ

Rainham Marshes

I hadn't planned to head down to the Marshes this morning but after reports of a few waders and a Merg around the bay, it was evident that things were moving through. Having got there a little too late for the early waders, there were still a few migrants around on a cool, cloudy but bright morning. Standing by the Coldharbour Lane car park, the four brick-red Bar-Tailed Godwit were seen flying high and away over the river.  Checking the foreshore on the low-tied two Whimbrel were present as they flew low toward the west.  A small group of waders then flew onto the mud at Aveley Bay, that consisted of four Ringed Plover and three summer plumaged Dunlin. There were plenty of Common Tern feeding mid-river where two Arctic Tern were picked out looking sleek and pristine. Two Northern Wheatear flew onto the shore, and a Grasshopper Warbler reeled briefly from scrub on the reserve side.  A Corn Bunting was in full song for five minutes or so before going quie...

Rainham Marshes

After a really successful Wildlife Explorers Group, it was only right to have a wander round the reserve.  A little annoyed that I had forgotten my memory card for the camera, the cool weather produced some interesting sightings that included a vocal Lesser Whitethroat in the Woodland, and the resident  Barn Owl sitting in it's box. Small pulses of Common Swift were evident with around 25 flying low through accompanied by six Swallow and ten House Martin . A Whimbrel was seen flying down river and a notable sighting of a Raven that lingered over the centre of the reserve before heading off west. A Reed Warbler was present by the western boardwalk. Previous sightings; 12/04/16 Willow Warbler singing in Hackney Downs Park 13/04/16 2 Swallow flew over Stamford Brook 20/04/16 2 Swift over Croxley

Walthamstow Marshes & Waterworks NR

Can never get tired of seeing these guys.  Three male Northern Wheatear on the rear paddocks at Walthamstow Marshes.  Stonking. Along the river, Sand Martin were inspecting their nest-sites. A couple of Swallow  were in the area and three House Martin flew through. The Marsh was alive with birdsong.   Sedge Warbler , Whitethroat and Blackcap have all arrived. The Waterworks held a late Redwing , a Peregrine flew low over with a Sparrowhawk there.  A couple of Reed Warbler were singing from Bed 15, with a Willow Warbler heard close to the entrance.   

Rainham Marshes

It was cold today, a fresh northerly wind tempered the flow of migrants that saw many common and slightly more uncommon birds hit London during the working week.  Of course this was Saturday, and it couldn't last but there was plenty out there if you put the effort in. Six Common Whitethroat  were scattered widely around the reserve, the first two seen in the cold of the morning by the Stone Barges where two Oystercatcher rested.  A Common Sandpiper was flushed from the shore. It was a slow start until a 1st summer Little Gull complete with it's rosy underparts flew upriver and was seen pretty much all day.  There were at least 80 Common Tern  grouped together by the sailing club, with at least one Arctic Tern there, a difficult task to clinch at distance. Then the Grasshopper Warbler showed, reeling intermittently, but ignoring the unfavourable conditions by clambering to the top of the brambles not far from the visitor centre. A Whimbrel...

Waterworks NR

It felt like a good day for raptors as the sun shone and the day tried in vein to blow warm air through.  It did at times feel pleasant but birds were thing on the ground (and the air). Best was the Siberian Chiffchaff that called and sang it's scrambled version of the colybita classic that we are all accustomed to and seen along the hedgeline left of the entrance.  It didn't hang around very long, but there were a couple of Chiffchaff in the vicinity.  There were a couple of singing Blackcap there. On the reserve, a couple of singing Willow Warbler were present as was a Reed Warbler from deep in the reeds of Bed 19. A pair of Shoveler were roosting on Bed 17, with a few Teal there. A Sparrowhawk flew through, and five Sand Martin were flying around the hides. A Peacock, Brimstone, Small White, and Small Tortoiseshell were on the wing today.

Rainham Marshes - Razorbill

It was another slow start to my visit, walking along the river wall where 13 Common Tern  were seen feeding out towards the shores of Crayford, the only real sighting of note as I headed to the reserve centre. A Willow Warbler sang from scrub close to the visitor centre as a shower passed through where a Common Buzzard soared high over.  There was no sign of the Serin seen earlier in the day.  A Kingfisher dashed past en route to another feeding sortie, five Sand Martin flew over Purfleet, and a lone Swallow headed north over the Woodland. Two Curlew flew onto the Purfleet Scrape, and there were still small numbers of Wigeon and Pintail out on the marshes.  Another two Common Buzzard soared distantly out towards Wennington as did a Marsh Harrier . The Barn Owl was present in it's box and a Short-eared Owl was active mid-afternoon that would have afforded great views from the otherside of the reserve. Moving onto the Aveley Pools, scanning through p...


The weather saved us.  It was beautiful - warm and still and a real pleasure to have been strolling along the pebbly shore and round the national nature reserve.  The only thing missing were the birds. Not fussed about the sea, we walked round the area not too far from the lighthouse, but there wasn't a thing to see - it was all very peculiar. So we moved onto the RSPB reserve and ambled gently round by which time I had surrendered to making any effort to see things. But there were a few bits and pieces including two Little Gull on Burrowes pit with a couple of Common Tern , five Sedge Warbler around the reserve, a pair of Goldeneye , and six Swallow.

Rainham Marshes

A beautiful day on the Marshes and a few decent migrants seen today. It started off slowly but then slowly picked up during the day as it warmed up. The highlights were two male Blackcap in Woodland, at least four Common Buzzard , a single Marsh Harrier , four Avocet flew over the river wall, the resident Barn Owl showing itself from the box, two Little Ringed Plover on Wennington, a pair of Northern Wheatear on a set-aside near the MDZ, a showy singing Sedge Warbler near the Purfleet Hide, a total of eight Sand Martin , and lots of Redshank and Lapwing around the reserve. Plenty of Peacock were seen as were a couple of Small Tortoiseshell and two Brimstone .