Unlucky Dip
Thought this would be a bit of fun. I admit that Iām not a hardened twitcher but over the last couple of years I have made a bit more of an effort to plug a few of the cavenous gaps in my British list. Over a period of 23 years, I have been for one or two things, and have along the way missed a few (a lot) too. I think this is normal ā you canāt see everything you go for otherwise it wouldnāt be a challenge, but like most, find it extremely gauling when high expectations are swamped by abject disappointment. So the thought came into my head to create a list and document the birds I have failed to see as I blundered into another Frank Spencer-esque twitch, failing to anticipate the possibility of a no show, totally mis-interpreting weather conditions, arriving too late, or frankly, just being a bit unlucky. I have heard anecdotes of monumentous failures such as twitches from London to Tiree via Bristol for Parula, London to Shetland for Snowy Owl, and m...