
Showing posts from January, 2016

Unlucky Dip

Thought this would be a bit of fun.  I admit that Iā€™m not a hardened twitcher but over the last couple of years I have made a bit more of an effort to plug a few of the cavenous gaps in my British list.  Over a period of 23 years, I have been for one or two things, and have along the way missed a few (a lot) too.   I think this is normal ā€“ you canā€™t see everything you go for otherwise it wouldnā€™t be a challenge, but like most, find it extremely gauling when high expectations are swamped by abject disappointment. So the thought came into my head to create a list and document the birds I have failed to see as I blundered into another Frank Spencer-esque twitch, failing to anticipate the possibility of a no show, totally mis-interpreting weather conditions, arriving too late, or frankly, just being a bit unlucky.  I have heard anecdotes of monumentous failures such as twitches from London to Tiree via Bristol for Parula, London to Shetland for Snowy Owl, and m...

Vietnam - Beaches, Food, and a bit of Wildlife

Vietnam is a beautiful country - just everything about it makes it an absorbing place to visit.  I just wish I could have spent more time there talking to the local people and taking in more of the natural history. Eight days is not enough, but we packed in as much as we could including a bit of beach time - it is a place of relaxation too away from the mayhem of the busy streets and disperate demography that is just so typical of this part of the world.  It is wholly agreeable and makes you wanting more.

Vietnam - Marble Mountains

Situated just south of Da Nang City, the Marble Mountains aren't really that well publicised, but having searched the local guides of places to visit from Hoi An (and still equiped with our motor vehicle), we headed on the 40 minute ride north. The marble mountains are essentially five hills that have under-gone extensive extraction of marble making the area renowned for its delicate sculptures all of which can be seen lined along the streets within the vicinity. And they were far more impressive than I thought.  A short elevator ride takes you up to a level where paths lead to the many temples built as sanctuaries for the Buddhist monks.  One of the main features of the mountains are the sheer facades and the deep caves that are still used as areas of worship. It is a splendid place. The caves maintain an air of solemnity despite the inevitable herds of tourist groups.  One cave in particular was distinctly striking in that a small gap had been wonderfully positi...

Vietnam - My Son

We're all for a bit of adventure so a day trip to My Son was planned when the crazy thought of hiring a couple of motorbikes entered our minds.  There was one minor concern here in that neither of us had ever ridden one before.  But at Ā£3 a day, it was a death wish that we couldn't possibly turn down. So we collected our two wheeled time-machines and headed away on a few practice runs.  It took a bit of getting used to, but I felt ok in control of the bike.  It was just the traffic I was concerned about.  However, having watched Kat bounce down the road like an inebriated kangeroo and reporting that she was having difficulty turning and braking (yes she said that), we decided that one scooter would probably be a wise decision.  Yep! So off we sped on our 90 minute journey to My Son.  And it was exhilierating.  The traffic was mayhem but the bike just enhanced the experience of Vietnamese life.  They key was feeling confident, a...

Vietnam - Hoi An

18th - 23rd January 2016 Internal flights in Vietnam can be picked up cheaply with a return flight to Da Nang only costing just over Ā£50rtn including checked baggage and seat assignment.  The hour flight bounced past the cumulonimbus before emerging into the coastal town of Da Nang. The weather was different here on arrival, mostly overcast and a lot cooler, but still pleasant enough as we made our way to the resort through Da Nang city passing by the financial district and a couple of impressively illuminated bridges.  The city was evidently much more modern and vibrant than I had expected. Checking into the Muca Spa Resort (Ā£20pppn), we were both impressed by the quiet location, and just how well managed the hotel was.  Hardly an authentic Vietnamese experience, but they did offer a variety of massages, and a decent Vietnamese menu selection in the restaurant area set on an extended stilted area under ambient lighting and typically mood enhancing music. The ...

Vietnam - Saigon

15th - 18th January 2016 A first long haul trip for a while, and a trip to the far east for a short eight day break in Vietnam split between two destinations, Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and Hoi An on the South China Sea coast. Travelling on Vietnam Airlines, the Dreamliners took us firstly to Hanoi and then connected us southbound to Saigon.  Always a massive culture shock when arriving in this part of the world, the humidity mixed in with the toxicity of the city air, streets full of noise and colour with relentless waves of motorbikes roaring past, each individual focused on their small piece of road as they go about their daily routines. Cho Ben Thanh was a five minute walk from our hotel, crossing the busy Pham Ngu Lao road and oppoiste a busy interchange was a hive of activity of stall holders selling their wears which were mostly clothing items and accessories The War Remnants Museum was a sobering visit.  On one hand it was fascinati...