
Showing posts from June, 2015

Melodious Warbler - Marsh Lane NR

It took me a while to get there, around three weeks actually which is around the length of time the Melodious Warbler had been present at Marsh Lane NR.  Arriving in overcast conditions, the bird was tirelessly vocal favouring one particular tree where it was seen clearly at times dashing around with brief sedentary interludes while it pontificated from the tops.  Felt a bit sorry for it - just want it to find a mate.  My luck was in too as within half an hour of arriving, the heavens opened which meant that I had to leave this tardy individual to continue singing in the rain.

Marsh Warbler and Lakenheath

The weather is generally nice this time of year and now I can really make the most of my days off.  The next target was the Marsh Warbler at Narborough.  This bird had been present for a few days, singing regularly and at times showing well, and only two hours from home. A tardy start but getting there at just before midday, a wait of an hour and half was required which was a little agonising but eventually cranked up itā€™s song.  This bird is truly bonkers.  It was all over the shop taking off Blackbird as well as other unrecognisable songs, a kaleidoscope of sound as it moved around the reedbed and into its favoured tree where it was seen well between the foliage.  It sang for twenty minutes before running out of steam and no doubt sat low in the reeds panting furiously until the next round of audible mayhem.  Incredible how this bird had to contend with the roar of RAF Tornadoes thundering out of Marsham. Also there was a showy singing Garden War...

A mega Whimbrel and a mega mega Wheatear

Lucky lucky me.  Donā€™t feel I say that very often but what happened today, was having recently picked up a cheap second-hand car, I decided to head out on my first twitch in my own car for around 4-5 years.  What a feeling.  So bombing it down (70mph) the M23 toward Church Norton, a report came through of a Black-eared Wheatear at Acres Down in the New Forest.  Tentative news at first then confirmation of an ā€˜ eastern ā€™ race bird. So we carried on bombing along (70mph) and strolled up to the spot where this stunning ā€˜fall-of-your-seatā€™ Wheatear was popping around the heath admired by a large assembled crowd.  The contrast of the jet black mask and wings against the pure white crown, nape, and underparts was just an amazing sight.  What a bird and again so lucky to be on the road on the day it turned up. And then onto the Hudsonian Whimbrel which after a bit of a wait, emerged from the long grass and scampered around before disappearing once ...

Walthamstow Marshes - Crossbill

A text from Jamie Partridge and after a few mid-morning chores I headed over to the Marshes where we sat at the raptor watchpoint (!) where earlier three Common Buzzard passed through.  We picked up a Hobby dashing through in ambitious attempts to turn it into a Redfoot, with another seen later on. Three Swallow were also seen suggesting possible breeding activity nearby, but maybe straggling migrants. Put two birders together and all they seem to talk about is what could be possible at this time of year.  I think the June doldrums were mentioned (which I think has been officially cancelled for 2015), the possibility of Crossbill perhaps but surely a bit too early by my reckoning. Walking round to the north marsh, a flock of finches appeared from the right, bulky in appearance. And then they called, and then I called, seven Crossbill flying northeast, possibly a pair with five juveniles. A great bit of prophetic insight there, nailed on Cross(bill), and in Num...


Summer hasnā€™t really got started but this afternoon was gloriously sunny and with it being a Sunday, I knew that the local areas were going to be heaving with locals.  So I camped myself in the circle at the Waterworks and craned my neck to the skies.  Two Common Buzzard were the best of a total of 43 species seen in two and a half hours in and around the Waterworks. Also noted was a Painted Lady flying through, calling Marsh Frog , and a few Banded Demoiselle .

Catalunya 2 - Cap de Creus Natural Park

This was planned a little more, without getting too detailed with an itinerary. Not too much further on from the Aiguamolls de l'EmpordĆ  is the rocky peninsular of Cap de Creus accessed through meandering roads up to the heights that overlook white pixelated towns below and the cobalt blue seas. The views are simply stunning and habitats include a variety of pine woodland and areas of scrub and rocky escarpments layered with wild flowers and busy invertebrates. The road has a number of pull-offs where tracks lead through the Natural Park allowing time to spontaneously wander through and observe anything that may be lurking in this panoramic environment. Stopping the car at the foothill by the quaint town Vilajuiga by Quermanco Castle, a short walk through a plantation where a Melodious Warbler sang, and a Red-Rumped Swallow flew over with a flock of Common Swift.   It was hot though, so I moved on up the headland. Stopping at another lay-by, I walked into a small pine....

Catalunya 1 - Parc Natural Aiguamolls de l'EmpordĆ 

So I lost my camera - the last hour of my trip dropping off the hire car and dashing off to the Terminal.  A recently typical mental aberration that doesnā€™t come as a real surprise, but the pain of losing such a prized possession has taken a while to get over.  Maybe not the camera per se, but the seven hundred photos I had taken on such a wonderful trip to a beautiful part of Spain.  The thing about cameras and photography is that it is intrinsically entrenched into the creative soul.  A profoundly personal item of modern technology, harmonising sight, mind, and soul with the physical realities of our surroundings.  It was perversely like mourning a dear friend. Deep breath.  Iā€™ll carry on. The plan was to spend a few days on the Costa Brava, but to stay clear of the main resorts such is my reluctance to spend time with hoards of British tourists from the ā€˜egg and chip brigadeā€™.  Yes call me a snob ā€“ I donā€™t really care. And thus, I found...